SCOOPIT: By using ScoopIt I crafted all my research about the film opening and other films which have a similar genre, which I could display online for the public to see and for me to easily update.

PINTEREST: Pinterest was very useful when it came to collecting a variety of images that related to the opening of the film. I devised the Pinterest account in different boards, each board was an aspect of the film, for example, one board was for pictures only relating to sociopaths.

Here's a list of all the boards on Pinterest I made for the purpose of research:
- Sociopaths
- Male dominance
- Photographers
- Objectifying the female body
- Models
- Smart Male Attire
- Black and White
- Stalkers
- Sociopath / Psychological Thriller Film Posters

Here is a link to my Pinterest account

PICTOCHART: By using Pictochart I was able to make charts and graphs about any of the film's statistics.

BLOGGER: Blogger was most likely one of the most important types of new technology, since it collated all my media information about the film and allowed me to archive the data in chronological order from when we started to when we finish. It also was able to play any other sort of new technological tools, such as Emaze and Slideshare.

TWITTER: I find that twitter is a very useful tool, since it updates us with important news in such a modern and short way. As each tweet needs to be less than 140 characters, this makes twitter easy to read and attracts a more youthful audience. Alan Rusbridger has said that twitter is important, which I have taken into account and as a result I have created 2 Twitter accounts. I created one for my personal media use, where I tweet recent news relating to upcoming films, television I'm watching and cinema visits. The other twitter account was created by myself, which was for the film. On the film's Twitter account, I post various tweets relating to the progress made on the film, ranging from updates on filming, development on the print media and photos of sneak peeks. Here is a link to my twitter account and a link to the film's twitter account.

INTSAGRAM: Instagram's use of hashtags has made it extremely simple and easy to find photos relating to the topics I wanted to find, such as images that relate to the film's opening. Hashtags I used  to research topics in the film were '#Sociopath', '#WomenModels', '#BlackAndWhite' and '#Stalker'. By looking at the many photos posted with these hashtags made the research more easier and were great inspirations. As well, Bea created a instagram account for the film. Here is a link to Focus' Instagram Account.

PREZI: Prezi made the research much easier by making analysing the codes and conventions simpler.

YOUTUBE: On YouTube, I watched a variety of videos relating to the 'photo shoot' scene. This scene was very key in the film opening of 'FOCUS' since it shows the sociopathic behaviour of Sam. Therefore I researched videos on how women pose in photo shoots and how sociopaths react and how they get attached and obsessed with their love interests. From this we adapted many aspects from these videos to aid us on creating a realistic and authentic representation of sociopaths. Here is a link to Focus' YouTube Page.

FACEBOOK: When using Facebook, I could look at other films of a similar genre, and see how they published the print media. For example, by using some effects and filters on the photos. For example, I looked at the Facebook page for Gone Girl, since it is a recent psychological thriller film, which used new technologies for marketing purposes. I decided to adapt a technique from the Gone Girl Facebook page whereby there is a photo with a quote from that scene. I did this on the Focus Facebook page, whereby I took a screenshot of a still from the film opening and wrote a quote in. Here is a link to Focus' Facebook Page.

SMS TEXT MESSAGING: Our group used SMS texting to contact each other on filming dates and on what sort of props to bring in ranging from clothes to fake blood. This made it easier for us to navigate where we were going to meet up for when we filmed a scene in Wimbledon. As you can see by the screenshot of the texting between my group, it shows how we efficiently coordinate our filmings and make sure that the people who are needed there are there.  By having a group chat, this was more efficient when it came to organizing dates, like in the screenshot.

PINTEREST: Pinterest made us as a group to collect images for the film opening's mise-en-scene. As well, we got a myriad of images ranging from previous sociopathic films like Psycho and Single White Female, female models posing in provocative stances and black and white-related objects, since the black and white theme is very important in the sociopath's way he sees things. Here is a link to my Pinterest account

GOOGLE DOCS: When creating the shot list our group used Google Docs, so that when we went home, we couldall contribute to the shot list, without all using the same computer. This made us finish the Shot List as soon as possible, as well with it containing all the information needed and being approved by all of us.

TRELLO: When making a list of what we were doing and how far we had to finish, Trello was a useful tool that made it straightforward. There were three columns in each Trello list, 'Not Done', 'Doing', 'Done' which made it very easy to manage what we had to do for the filming. Here is a link to my trello.

FACETIME: Our group used FaceTime to communicate with each other, so we could agree on some of the clothing options. We couldn't do this on SMS Messaging, since they could only model on video.

TUMBLR: Tumblr made it easy to collect images about the films, and make a page that consisted of just those photos.

DIGITAL CAMERA (CANON D550 & CANON 750D)": As a group we used this camera constantly when it came to either filming scenes or taking photos for any photoshoot scenes.

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP: This was very important when editing any advertisements, such as the print media for the film and for the film's ident and for the opening title. The poster was edited thoroughly by Bea and I on Adobe Photoshop. We felt that once we had looked up how to add some effects, we made the poster look professional and realistic, which is the main goal.

FACEBOOK: To organise shoots and where to be by contacting the cast and crew, with specific details by co filing it into an event.

FLIPBOOK: This was important when making stop motion videos of photos taken in a particular scene.

YUDU: This made the construction look very nice, since it created innovative and dynamic page-turning leaflets that look professional. I did a Yudu presentation on Question 7: What Have I Learnt About Filmmaking? and explained the four main aspects, which were research, planning, construction and editing. I find that this makes the presentation look a lot of appealing. Here is a link to my Yudu presentation.

NEW HIVE: On New Hive, I created an innovative poster that presented all my information about how I used technology in a visually appealing way with a variety of photos with embedded video and audio. This will be important when looking back at how I used new technologies for my film opening, since it will be a concise version.

HERE is a LINK to the poster

FACEBOOK: On Facebook we invited feedback for our production. We made two polls, in order to get a response from our fans and people who have liked the page. The first poll asked whether they are excited to see the film and the second poll consisted in which character they liked more: Sam or Jasmine. This shows how we have evaluated our Here is a link to Focus' Facebook Page.

INSTAGRAM: On Instagram, people will be able to like and comment on posts on the film's account. Here is a link to Focus' Instagram Account.

YOUTUBE: Youtube was crucial when inviting feedback from other people, since people will be able to like and comment, meaning that we can see whether they enjoyed watching the film. Since they can comment and leave comments that may either praise a certain effect or either critique the film. As you can see in the image, there is one like, which shows that one person enjoyed the video, which shows an effective way of using new technology to interact with the audience.  Here is a link to Focus' YouTube Page.


  1. So far, well organized. You must add the hyperlinks to your own posts and the screen shots of your own work.

  2. Excellent use of appropriate technologies in all stages of your production work from research, planning and construction to evaluation. You explain clearly your deployment of the different technologies and you illustrate beautifully. You are very methodical and punctilious in your hyperlinks: well done!
