Thursday 24 September 2015


On Tuesday's lesson, our group filmed our preliminary film, which was a requirement in the curriculum. Our teacher told us that we had to abide by certain rules and regulations when filming, such as a shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. We began the preliminary film with Shezhad walking up stairs, we ultimately used two shots, one filmed at the top of the stairs and the other at the mid-way on the staircase. 

There was no proper lighting in the space, which was one of the problems during filming, this made the scene look dark and therefore did not look as well as hoped. We learnt that the next filming we should use proper lighting. Another problem, we had during filming, was that in some shots, we did not follow 180-degree rule, however Mrs. Mann made sure that none of the shots that did not follow the rule were included in the final editing.

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